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Starship Troopers Tyranids

    Starship Troopers Tyranids
    Color and paint schemes

    Adventurers of Warhammer 40,000, and let us dazzle you with our latest achievement: Leviathan! every project is a masterpiece, and Leviathan is no exception. Two sides, Space Marines and Starship Troopers Tyranids, are at the epicenter of this colossal undertaking that redefines the Warhammer experience.
    The scale of the project is monumental, with miniatures ranging from the majestic winged Tyranid Prime to the stealthy Von-Ryan Jumpers. Our artists have carried out the assembly with exceptional precision, transforming each figure into a visual testament to the grandeur of Leviathan.
    But we don’t stop at the assembly; we dive into the creation of worlds. Each Starship Troopers Tyranids, with its chitin scales in dark tones and red and yellow accents, rises on meticulously constructed bases. Using Epicbasing 3D bits, we sculpted rocky desert landscapes, tinged with reddish and violet hues, creating a harmony between the figure and its environment.
    The diary of this project reveals a fascinating journey. Our artists, divided into teams, have brought each miniature to life with expert brushstrokes. The color palette, inspired by the classic “Starship Troopers”, adds a touch of nostalgia to the battle, as a tribute to the science fiction that has left its mark on our souls.
    Leviathan is more than a set of miniatures; it is a sensory experience. From assembly to painting, each phase has been masterfully executed to offer an unparalleled visual spectacle.


    Warhammer 40k

    Starship Troopers Tyranids



    ✻ Basing

    3D printing

    Starship Troopers Tiranidos

    Customer briefing

    Tyranid Invasion: Inspired by Starship Troopers

    Our path crossed when a brave commander. With an already impressive army, decided to expand his ranks with the formidable miniatures of the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, “Leviathan”. But this strategist was not only looking to increase his military power, he was also eager to bring to life a new Tyranid army, with otherworldly creatures ready to devour the galaxy.
    The client, knowing Art-W Studio’s expertise, trusted us to assemble, paint and create the bases that would make these miniatures stand out on the battlefield. With a clear vision, he requested a color scheme that reflected the alien essence of the Tyranids. He spared no detail, asking that each miniature be set in a desert wasteland, with rising rocks reminiscent of the valleys of the Grand Canyon.
    This was not a simple request; it was a challenge we were eager to accept. With the client’s vision as our guide, we dove into the task of bringing their vision to life, taking the Leviathan narrative to new heights. The partnership between the client and Art-W Studio was sealed, kicking off a project that promised not only to expand an army, but also to tell a visual story.

    Starship Troopers Tiranidos

    Project photo Ornate level

    Extraterrestrial Challenge, the Tyranid Plague

    Every day, our skilled hands worked to bring the client’s vision to life. In the initial stage, the assembly of the miniatures was a meticulous ritual, where the Tyranids figures took shape in skilled hands.
    The transformation came with the Tyranids, when we decided to give the color scheme a vibrant twist. After a successful sample with the termagant, the client’s approval gave us the green light to dive into a fascinating world of fluorescent greens. Each miniature became a work of art, resonating with the alien essence you longed for.
    The process was not just a technical execution; it was a dynamic collaboration. Adam and Dani, our featured artists, led the devouring xenos front. From the Howling Assassin to the Psychophage, every brushstroke was an act of magic. The final touch of fluorescent green elevated the majesty of these creatures to new heights.
    The daily photos, were more than just updates. Each image told a story, from the first strokes to the application of OSL effects that enhanced the dark scheme. Each preview was a promise of the final grandeur.

    Starship Troopers Tiranidos


    Download your zero-dollar painting guide

    Got this ebook packed with secrets from our Orks gig for Play On Tabletop. Insane painting guides? Check! Special effects? You bet! Plus, a sneaky gift from the Deadly Print crew. What’s not to love?

    Starship Troopers Tyranids Starship Troopers Tyranids Starship Troopers Tyranids Starship Troopers Tyranids Starship Troopers Tyranids Starship Troopers Tyranids

    Starship Troopers Tiranidos

    Termagants, Ornate level

    Starship Troopers Tiranidos

    Winged Tyranid Prime, Ornate level

    Starship Troopers Tiranidos

    Neurotyrant Ornate

    Starship Troopers Tiranidos

    Psychophage Ornate

    Starship Troopers Tiranidos

    Screamer-Killer, Ornate level

    Starship Troopers Tiranidos

    ¡Increíbles! Entre estos y las anteriores remesas ya darán un pelín de miedo en mesa xD


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