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Custom Imperial Knights

    Custom Imperial Knights
    Color and paint schemes

    The last project we have done has been a real challenge and a pleasure for us. It is an Custom Imperial Knights army composed of 2 boxes of Imperial Knights Chainbreaker Lance. The client asked us to follow an original painting scheme for miniatures combining blue and gold tones to give contrast to the set.

    For the assembly, we decided to magnetize the multiple weapon options available, which allowed the client to change them according to his needs. In addition, we painted the project to our Ornate level and took care of every detail, even on the Warhammer miniatures bases.

    As for the decoration, we used a variety of white decals to contrast nicely on the blue armor plates. We have also added OSL lighting effects on the orange lenses and machinery to generate a very powerful visual impact that will not go unnoticed in the games.


    ✻ Warhammer 40k

    ✻ Imperial Knights

    ✻ Assembly

    ✻ Magnetization

    ✻ Painting

    ✻ Basing

    Custom Imperial Knights

    Customer briefing

    I want the army of my dreams

    I’ve been planning to embark on an Custom Imperial Knights project for some time now and the release of this new box seems like the perfect time to start. In the future, I would like to continue to expand my collection with a variety of Forge World models.

    I want to create a custom paint scheme that incorporates blue tones, gold trim and a white heraldry. My goal is for the models to look imposing and stately, showing no signs of battle damage or weathering. I would also like the models to be set in a ruined city, advancing through rubble and ruins.

    Custom Imperial Knights

    General photo of the project, completely painted to Ornate level

    Follow up of the project, IKs advance among the ruins

    After careful planning and design of the color scheme, our team of artists began work on this exciting IK project. Adapting the color scheme was a process that required a lot of attention to detail, but we finally managed to find the perfect color ranges for the job.

    After several color tests and with everything ready we started to bring these metal giants to life. There were a lot of weapons to magnetize and paint without losing anything along the way. Adding the orange OSLs to the scheme gave it that final touch it needed and the ruined city looked spectacular with the use of 3D printed bits.

    Imperial Knight proceso


    Download your zero-dollar painting guide

    Got this ebook packed with secrets from our Orks gig for Play On Tabletop. Insane painting guides? Check! Special effects? You bet! Plus, a sneaky gift from the Deadly Print crew. What’s not to love?


    Imperial Knights, painted to Ornate level

    Ornate Imperial Knight

    Imperial Knight, Ornate level

    City in ruins bases, level Ornate

    Detail of the base

    Imperial Knight

    I am impressed with the level of detail and quality of work done on my IK project. The custom color scheme is just what I had in mind and the use of OSL on the lenses and machinery adds an extra dimension to the whole.

    Wei Ming

    Opinion taken from Google

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