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Blood Bowl Zombie Team

    Blood Bowl Zombie Team
    Color and paint schemes

    At Art-W Studio, we have had the pleasure of working on a project that combines the macabre with the vibrant: a Blood bowl team inspired by the Wolfenburg Crypt-stealers. This commission came to us with the idea of using Halloween-themed proxy miniatures, creating a team that mixes the spooky with the fantasy sport.

    Each of these figures has been painted to Ornate level, highlighting the yellow and green color scheme that defines the team’s identity. We made sure that each miniature was not only detailed in its individual aspect, but also coherent as a whole.

    For the bases of the miniatures, we opted for a classic Blood bowl turf environment, with brown earth and electrostatic turf, topped off with the iconic white lines that delimit the field. This touch not only adds realism, but also integrates the miniatures perfectly into their playing environment.

    In addition to painting miniatures, we faced the challenge of incorporating zebra patterns on some of the figures, adding a visual dynamism that further enhances the aesthetics of the team. The wraiths, represented by tumular miniatures, were painted with a cool color palette, using whites, lilacs and blues to give them a ghostly appearance that sets them apart from the rest.
    This project was not only an opportunity to demonstrate our painting skills, but also to create a unique piece of work that celebrates both the game and the Halloween season.


    Blood Bowl

    ✻ Blood Bowl Zombie Team


    ✻ Basing

    Equipo Zombie Blood Bowl

    Customer briefing

    The Beauty of the Macabre: Bringing Wolfenburg’s Crypt-stealers to Life

    The client came to us after seeing the work we had done for other Blood bowl players and was impressed by our detailed and customized approach. He was looking for something different for his Wolfenburg Crypt-stealers team and knew Art-W Studio was the right place to bring his vision to reality.

    He explained that he wanted a team with a Halloween theme, using proxy miniatures that reflected the dark and supernatural nature of the game. The color scheme he proposed was bold: armor and fabrics in deep yellow and green tones, accompanied by silver metal accents. For the furs, he wanted a deathly look, with pale tones for most and a touch of brownish for the werewolves.

    In addition, he asked for something special: zebra patterns on some miniatures to add extra visual dynamism. He also wanted the bases to reflect an authentic Blood bowl field, with grass and line markings. With these directions, we set out to bring his team to life, making sure that every detail lived up to his expectations.

    Equipo Zombie Blood Bowl

    Photo of the project Ornate level

    Blood and Spirits: A Unique Blood Bowl Team

    The process of this project was meticulous and detailed, and we wanted the client to be aware of every step of the way. We started with a thorough cleaning of the metal miniatures, preparing the surface for flawless painting. The first step was to create a test miniature, a Zombie Lineman with pale skin and a touch of purple that gave him that characteristic deathly look. The client loved the result, giving us the green light to continue.

    We focused on the Blood Bowl Zombie Team skins, differentiating between the zombies and werewolves, before working on the vibrant yellow and green patterns. These saturated colors, combined with the use of an oil wash, made for a dramatic contrast to the desaturated skins.

    The bases received special attention, simulating a Blood bowl field with brown dirt, electrostatic grass and classic white lines. The process culminated with the miniatures of the wraiths, which we painted with an ethereal palette of whites, lilacs and blues, sending photos to the client as we went along to make sure everything met their expectations.

    Equipo Zombie Blood Bowl

    Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team Blood Bowl Zombie Team

    Zombie Lineman

    Zombie Lineman, Ornate level

    Equipo Zombie Blood Bowl

    Werewolves, Ornate level

    Equipo Zombie Blood Bowl

    Zombie Lineman Ornate

    Blood Bowl Zombie Team

    Flesh Golem Ornate

    Equipo Zombie Blood Bowl

    Wraiths, Ornate level

    Equipo Zombie Blood Bowl

    ¡Increíbles! Entre estos y las anteriores remesas ya darán un pelín de miedo en mesa xD


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