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Farstalker Kinband

    Farstalker Kinband
    Color and paint schemes

    Recently, at Art-W Studio, we’ve completed an exciting project: an impressive Kill Team band, specifically a Farstalker Kinband, made up of Kroot warriors. This band consists of 10 Kroot warriors, 2 hounds, and additionally 1 Great Kroot, all painted at a Ornate level.

    The color scheme we used is completely unique, with turquoise blueish skins and red garments that contrast with brown leathers. The plumes and dreadlocks on their heads stand out with a more intense and saturated red, just like the spikes growing on their skin. Metals are covered in rust and all leather pieces show scratches and wear. Their amber eyes exude relentless ferocity.

    The bases recreate an arid and reddish environment, with rocks and dry vegetation, providing a perfect setting for these Kroot warriors. In this project, we took care of miniature assembling, painting, and decorating the bases of all the miniatures.

    The client had worked with us before and gave us complete freedom for this project, trusting our experience and skills. As part of a larger commission that includes 6 Kill Team bands, this client allowed us to put all our talent into every detail.


    ✻ Warhammer 40k


    ✻ Assembly


    ✻ Basing

    Farstalker Kinband

    Customer briefing

    We must give color to this band

    When I thought about painting my Warhammer Kill Team band, the Farstalker Kinband of Kroots, I knew right away that I wanted Art-W Studio to take care of the project. I had worked with you on several occasions and, having the box of miniatures stored at home, I decided to take the step for you to paint them so I could display them in my showcase and enjoy Kill Team games.

    Since I have trusted you before, I give you carte blanche with the color scheme for both the miniatures and the bases. I would love to see your unique and creative touch on these figures, and I am sure that you will be able to capture the ferocity and skill of the Kroot warriors.

    As you already know my style, I have no doubt that you will find the perfect combination of colors and details to make these miniatures stand out in the showcase and on the battlefield.

    Farstalker Kinband

    General photo of the band, all painted at the Ornate level

    Daily follow-up, Sand Explorers

    At our miniature painting studio, we are pleased when our clients give us the opportunity to unleash our creativity and expertise. In this case, the client granted us complete freedom in terms of color scheme and bases for their Kill Team band, the Farstalker Kinband of Kroots.

    During the process, we worked on a unique and striking color scheme for the miniatures, focusing on highlighting the details in the bluish skins, the red garments, and the brown leathers. We applied aging and wear techniques to intensify the fierce appearance of the Kroot warriors and their hounds, making each figure convey an impression of authenticity and ferocity on the battlefield.

    As for the bases, we endeavored to recreate an arid and rocky environment with dry vegetation, capturing the natural habitat of these warriors and adding a touch of realism and visual interest to each miniature.

    Farstalker Kinband process


    Download your zero-dollar painting guide

    Got this ebook packed with secrets from our Orks gig for Play On Tabletop. Insane painting guides? Check! Special effects? You bet! Plus, a sneaky gift from the Deadly Print crew. What’s not to love?

    Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband Farstalker Kinband

    Farstalker Kinband: Kroot leader

    Kroot leader, painted in Ornate level

    Farstalker Kinband: Kroot with Londaxi tribalest

    Kroot with Londaxi tribalest, Ornate level

    Farstalker Kinband: Kroot scout

    Specialist Kroot scout, Ornate level

    Farstalker Kinband: Stalker

    Stalker, Ornate

    Farstalker Kinband: Kroot Mercenary

    Kroot Mercenary, painted Ornate

    Farstalker Kinband

    Excellent work, the miniatures look great with this scheme. I’m already preparing my next KT game.


    Opinion taken from Google

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