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Space Marines Grimdark

    Space Marines Grimdark
    Color and paint schemes

    We have just completed one of the most ambitious projects in Art-W Studio: a complete army of Ultramarines painted at premium level, with a grimdark touch that gives them a sinister and full of character air. All painted with a classic scheme of deep blue and golden details, but with desaturated tones to add that characteristic grim effect.
    The battle environment in which the bases are set led us to recreate the rugged and stony landscapes of Northern Europe. We have worked on every detail, from the texture of the dark earth to the rivers, rocky outcrops and green bushes that complete the setting. Each base has been elaborated with high level techniques, applying products that imitate the foam of the water and the reflections of the rivers, providing an extraordinary realism to the set.
    In addition to assembling each miniature from scratch, we also added 3D printed bits for conversions, which allowed us to bring to life custom units such as the Terminators and the Brutalis Dreadnought from the Dark Krakens chapter. These marines wear dark purple armor and details reminiscent of the Krakens, with 3D resin printed tentacles decorating their helmets.
    Even the smaller figures, such as the Agrassors and Eradicators, have received a meticulous treatment in painting, while some units include freehand work on the shoulder pads and banners, achieving a spectacular level of detail. Each miniature is a work of art, designed to stand out on the battlefield.


    ✻ Warhammer 40k

    Space Marines Grimdark

    ✻ Assembly


    ✻ Basing


    ✻ 3D Printing


    Space Marines Grimdark Color and paint schemes

    Customer briefing

    Dark Krakens and Ultramarines: An Overwhelming Army

    The client who commissioned this amazing Ultramarines army met us through a recommendation within the Warhammer community. After seeing some of our previous work, he decided to contact us to tell us about his vision: he wanted a full Ultramarines army, miniature painted at premium level, but with a unique touch. He wasn’t looking for the classic bright blue, but something more somber and atmospheric, which quickly led us to propose a grimdark scheme.
    From the very beginning, the client was clear that he wanted customization. It was not only about painting, he also asked us to assemble all the miniatures, make conversions with 3D printed parts and work on the bases to reflect a natural and challenging environment. His passion for the Ultramarines was evident, but he also had a creative side: he wanted to include a special unit based on the Dark Krakens, a successor chapter to the Salamanders, with unique details such as tentacles on the helmets and freehand on the shoulder pads.
    The project, although ambitious, presented itself as a perfect opportunity to show what Art-W Studio is capable of: taking a single idea and transforming it into a spectacular army of Space Marines Grimdark ready for battle.

    Space Marines Grimdark

    General picture of the project Premium level

    The Art of Personalization: Ultramarines with Unique Touches

    From day one, the process of this project was a perfectly coordinated teamwork. After the approval of the grimdark scheme, we started with the assembly of the miniatures. For several days, the whole team was assembling, magnetizing weapons and preparing every detail so that everything would be perfect. We knew that the magnitude of this Space Marines Grimdark project required a lot of attention and organization, so we divided the units among the painters, making sure that each one was in charge of a complete group of miniatures to maintain consistency in the painting.
    Throughout the process, we sent daily photos to the client, showing the progress of each unit. From the first base coats, where the gold details began to stand out against the dull blue, to the final finishes on the bases, each step was closely monitored to make sure that the client’s vision was being fulfilled 100%.
    The most exciting moments were undoubtedly when we completed the Dark Krakens unit and applied the details in freehand. Upon seeing the photos, the client was fascinated with the level of detail and realism of the conversions. The process was as rewarding for us as it was for him.

    Marines Espaciales Grimdark

    Space Marines Grimdark Space Marines Grimdark Space Marines Grimdark Space Marines Grimdark Space Marines Grimdark Space Marines Grimdark Space Marines Grimdark Space Marines Grimdark Space Marines Grimdark Space Marines Grimdark

    Space Marines Grimdark Color and paint schemes

    Inceptors, Premium level

    Marines Espaciales Grimdark

    Roboute Guilliman Premium


    Brutalis Dreadnought Premium


    Centurion Devastator, Premium level


    Predator Destructor & Land Raider Crusader Premium

    Space Marines Grimdark

    The whole process has been an absolute pleasure. What really stands out to me is the communication with the Art-W team.


    Opinion taken from Google

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