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Void Dragons

    Void Dragons
    Color and paint schemes

    Recently, we at Art-W Studio had the honor of completing a monumental project: the creation of the Void Dragons, a legion of custom Space Marines inspired by the iconic Dragon Prince of the High Elves, Aenarion. This project included the construction and painting of over 70 miniatures, from squads of Inceptors to a custom designed Primarch, capturing the essence of this unreleased chapter.
    The color scheme chosen was a combination of dark blue for the armor and deep red for the heraldry, a powerful contrast that reflects the fierce character of this legion. The miniatures were painted to a premium level, with incandescent pink energy effects, further accentuating the imposing presence of the Void Dragons on the battlefield. The bases, crafted to simulate a Mars-inspired desert landscape, add an extra dimension of realism and drama to the scene.
    In addition to the painting, we took care of the customization of each miniature, using 3D printed bits to add draconic and medieval details. These elements, such as dragon skulls and custom shoulder pads, enhanced the unique character of the force. Elite units, such as the Bladeguard in gold armor and the Company Hero in white, received special treatment that highlights their importance and role in the army.
    The Void Dragons project has been a challenge and a privilege in equal measure. From the construction of each unit to the last detail of painting, we have put our passion and skill into every step, achieving an army that is as impressive as it is imposing.


    ✻ Warhammer 40k

    Void Dragons

    ✻ Assembly


    ✻ Basing

    3D Printing

    ✻ Tailormade

    Void Dragons Color and paint schemes

    Customer briefing

    Dragons of the Void: The Perfect Fusion of Aenarion and Space Marines

    Our client came to Art-W Studio after seeing some of our previous work on custom miniatures. He wanted to shape a completely unique Space Marine chapter, the Void Dragons, inspired by the majestic figure of Aenarion, the Dragon Prince of the High Elves. He contacted us looking for a team that could not only assemble and paint his miniatures, but also understood and shared his passion for detail.
    From the very first moment, we knew this project would be special. He asked us to create an army with a dark blue color scheme for armor and deep red for heraldry, accompanied by incandescent pink energy effects. In addition, he wanted a custom Primarch that captured the essence of his vision, with 3D printed draconic details to give each unit an epic and distinctive character.
    The level of detail requested, from the golden armor for the Bladeguard to the Mars-like desert bases for miniatures, made it clear to us that this was not just any assignment. It was an opportunity to transform a passionate idea into an impressive reality.

    Void Dragons

    General picture of the project Ornate & Premium level

    The Vision Behind the Dragons of the Void: A Creative Journey

    The process of creating the Void Dragons was intense and detailed, and we made sure to share each stage with our client through daily photos. We started with the assembly of the miniatures, a task that required precision to ensure that each 3D printed bit was perfectly integrated into the figure. The first major milestone was the selection of the color scheme, for which we prepared samples in gold, red and white for the special units. Once decided, we started working on the armor gradients and energy effects.
    Each day represented a new advance, from the application of washes to define the details to the creation of the desert bases. The team of painters worked in parallel, assigning different units to each other to ensure that each group-maintained consistency and the required level of quality.
    The photos submitted not only showed progress, but also to receive immediate feedback from the client, allowing for real-time adjustments. This collaborative approach was key to the Void Dragons achieving a level of detail and customization that far exceeded initial expectations.

    Dragones del Vacío

    Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons Void Dragons

    Dragones del Vacío

    Land Rider Redeemer & Repulsor, Ornate level

    Void Dragons

    Vulkan He’stan Premium

    Void Dragons

    Apothecary Biologis & Phobos Librarian Premium

    Void Dragons

    Brutalis Dreadnought, Ornate level

    Void Dragons

    Company of Heroes Premium

    Void Dragons Color and paint schemes

    The whole process has been an absolute pleasure. What really stands out to me is the communication with the Art-W team.


    Opinion taken from Google

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